Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District Proposed Budget FY2025 1-2 3-6 7 8-9 Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Debt Service Fund - Series 2023 Series 2023 Amortization Schedule Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 3/T3h1r/u24 6 MNeoxntths 9/TT3oh0tra/ul2 4 PFBrYou2pd0og2see5td Revenues AADssessveeesslssommpeeernn Cttsso --n ODtrniirb eRucottlilons $$$ 3 5881,,79 -4540 $$$ 3 56 718,,,345361028 $$$ 2 01,,44 -8174 $$$ 3 58 818,,,795451408 $$$ 9 2193,,94 -1441 Total Revenues $ 440,694 $ 427,310 $ 21,902 $ 449,212 $ 943,355 Expenditures Administrative IISFLCPETAAAAOODDMWnnIeurontrsoniftuCastfsesbugfhpspgnooeusnieAbtaisceeiieusrratsrane tlserrrnm,Em seaag igsA e avLtmeSCxenleeaeeiidgi uypcns uA cm treeF&veMoepieauirnoe ennr eRrntpdDanetr igensFes olitise AeinntteieTbnesl sdtteiFseai veAn&msCecteneggheh riSaesnnyaunniorsbctglteosergcasrytiipotnions $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1114 02551112455667 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000000001255581555900000000000028000170000000000000100058 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2 011222356 ,,,,,,,,, 000155568112369 -- 000001259000577 1 00000005900355659 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2 01224666 ,,,,,,,, 00000005345569 --- 00000012000005 1 0000000500000959 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4 011244556789 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 00000125568815667 00000002235900357 120000000000190345689 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1114 2255 1112456667 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00050000125558 1559900000000000028000170000000000000100058 Subtotal Administrative $ 125,294 $ 47,617 $ 50,818 $ 98,435 $ 129,194 Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District Proposed Budget General Fund Page 1 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 3/T3h1r/u24 6 MNeoxntths 9/TT3oh0tra/ul2 4 PFBrYou2pd0og2see5td Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District Proposed Budget General Fund Operations & Maintenance Field Expenditures Property Insurance 5,000 $ 2,928 $ - $ 2,928 $ 5,000 $ Field Management 7,500 $ 3,750 $ 3,750 $ 7,500 $ 10,000 $ Landscape Maintenance 95,000 $ 32,450 $ 750 $ 33,200 $ 203,400 $ Landscape Replacement 30,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 30,000 $ Lake Maintenance 16,800 $ 875 $ 750 $ 1,625 $ 16,800 $ Streetlights 48,600 $ 12,556 $ 12,556 $ 25,113 $ - $ Electric 5,000 $ 2,150 $ 2,150 $ 4,301 $ 15,000 $ Water & Sewer 5,000 $ 5,965 $ 5,965 $ 11,930 $ 45,000 $ Irrigation Repairs 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ Sidewalk & Asphalt Maintenance 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ General Repairs & Maintenance 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ Holiday Decorations 2,500 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500 $ Signage - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Contingency 15,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ Subtotal Field Expenditures 265,400 $ 60,675 $ 70,922 $ 131,597 $ 377,700 $ Total Operations & Maintenance 265,400 $ 60,675 $ 70,922 $ 131,597 $ 377,700 $ Other Expenditures Capital Reserve - Transfer 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 436,461 $ Total Other Expenses 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 436,461 $ Total Expenditures 440,694 $ 108,292 $ 171,740 $ 280,032 $ 943,355 $ Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) - $ 319,018 $ (149,838) $ 169,180 $ - $ Net Assessments $929,914 Add: Discounts & Colections 7% $69,994 Gross Assessments $999,908 Assessable Units 1055 Gross Per Unit Assessment $947.78 Net Per Unit Assessment $881.44 Page 2 Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District General Fund Budget Revenues: Assessments The District will levy a non-ad valorem assessment on all the assessable property order to pay for operating expenditures during the fiscal year. within the District in Expendi tures: General & Administrative: Supervisor Fees SCuhpapertevris o1r9 f0o, rF tlhoer itdima eS tdaetvuotetes,d atlolo Dwisst rfiocrt beuacshin eBsosa arndd m meemetbienrg st.o receive $200 per meeting to each SRFuIeCppAer erEvsxeipsnoetnrs s ceht heec kEs.m ployer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Engineering poTfrh eSepu apDreiasrttv iroiiscnot r'fsos rae mnndgo itnnhteehe lDry ibsptorroaicrvtdi dM measen egateginnegres.r ,a rle veniegwin ienevroinicge ss aenrvdi cveasr iotou st hpero jDeicsttsr iacst ,d ier.egc. taetdt ebnyd tahnec Be oaanrdd Attorney STfouhrpe e mDrivesietstroiincrtsg' ssa, n lepdgr atehlp ceao Druaintsistorenilc pta rMnodav nidraeegvse igre.ew n eorfa la lgergeael mseernvticse, sr etos othluet Dioinstsr, icett,c e. .ga.s a tdtiernedcatendc eb ayn dth per eBpoaarradti oonf AoTnnh nea unDa ials nAt rnuiucdati tli sb aresiqsu. ired by Florida Statutes to arrange for an independent audit of its financial records AaTsshsseee ssDssmiasbte rlneitc ptA rdwompileiln rcitosytn rwtaritatihocitnn t oth lee Dvyis tarnicdt .a dminister the collection of non-ad valorem assessment on all Arbitrage Rebate TDhiset rDicits’ts r Aicrtb witrilalg ceo Rnetrbaactte wLiiatbhi laitny ionnd ietps eanndtiecnipt acteerdt ibfioendd p suebrileics . accountant to annually calculate the Page 3 Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District General Fund Budget aDTwnhihstesiic ceDhimpi rsainett raleaidtctit eob sinos t nAordge a eqsdnuedtri riiteeisdo. n b ayl trheep oSretcinugri trye qaunidre Emxechnatsn gfoer Cuonmramteisds bioonn dto i scsoumeps.l yT hwisit hco Rstu ilse b1a5sce2d- 1u2p(obn)( a5n) T Trhues Dteies tFreicets will incur trustee related costs with the issuance of its’ issued bonds. Management Fees pn TArohgetre pe Daelirmmisaettirtinoeictdn tw , ratietlolhc, fe iGinrvoeaevcnsoec rrMidnalaim nnrgeea npgtoaeanrmltd sMe ,n aattrnn, aanAngucseaccmlor aiuepunntdtitoi inStnseg ,r eoavtnifcc d.e b sAo-Cadremdni tnrmiaslet rFealtotinirvgieds a,s ,e aLrdLvmCic.i eTnsih saetsr s aeptriavvreitc eossfe iarnv cMilcuaedns,ea gbbeuumtd aegrneett I ssRC ntoeeoffnpotrwtrrarmegaaselare eFtnai,l ontostndra i vbTdsaleeaercr,ti hvLosne uLfroCsosl or,pc goprmyoso tvse iioetdtifev inisen g tfpsho,ae ryAsm edia msotyibposelnte,e mmtMeescinc.h rtnoaotsilooofngt yaO nffofdirc peth,r oeeg tDrca.i smGtrmoivciten rgsnu fmcohre nafrtsaa lvu idMd epaonr oactgoeencmtfeieornnetn, acSicencrgov,u iccnletosiun dg– Website Maintenance sb aRecaecccpuokrrruedipstayesn n,a cetnestdc w.t hfGiiertohe vcw eCorahsnltalms pm teaeansristn ao1tlce8 Mina9ata, ennFdcal oegwr,e iumidtpahed nSamttt aeSotsenu,r itdvteooiscrc.ei unTsmg h– ee aCsnneetdn su terpmralvoal iiaFcndleotssar, i iinhdnioacns,l gutL idLnteChg e spa inrtDoedi vs pditderoiermcfsto a’tsrhi mnew sareeneb ncsseeei wrtaevsa isclcseer,ss ews.a mteebedsn ititsne, Postage & Delivery T cohrer eDspisotnridcet nicnec, uertsc . charges for mailing of Board meeting agenda packages, overnight deliveries, Insurance ITnhseu Drainstcreic At’lsli gaenncee r(aFlI lAia)b. FilIiAty s apnedc ipaulibzelisc ionf fpicrioavl’isd liinagb iinlistyu rinansucera cnocvee croagvee rtaog geo ivs eprrnomviednetda lb ayg tehnec iFelso.r ida Copies e Ptrcin. ting agenda materials for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes, Legal Advertising aT hnee wDissptaripcet ri so rf egqeunierreadl tcoir acduvlaetriotinse. various notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings, etc. in Page 4 Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District General Fund Budget Other Bank cChuarrrgeenst aCnhda ragneys o ther miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Office Supplies lAanbye lssu, pppaplieers cthliapts m, eatcy. need to be purchased during the fiscal year, e.g., paper, minute books, file folders, Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions tThhee o Dnilsyt reixcpt eisn sree quunidreedr tthoi sp caayt eagno arnyn fuoar lt hfeee D tios ttrhiect F. lorida Department of Commerce for $175. This is Operations & Maintenance: Field Expenditures Property Insurance The District’s estimated property insurance coverage. Field Management aTlachkceeo Dumnisattsirn,i tacett ntweaninldlc ceBo. onSaetrrrdav cimct efeose rti nioncnglsusi dtaeen fdoie nrlsedic tmeei avinnes aapgneedcm trieeonsnpts oo, fnm cdeo etnotti rpnargcost pswe firottrhy t cohowen nDtreiasrtc prtiohcrots ns, uem cchoa nlalisst oalarnnidnd ges cmoafap uielts ia.l in tdy iLCETN Rnaeaoeosnnsptrtatdattr rlhels alc salae tpinoetns M otahf ielna tnme$$$$dn2577asai1480cnn,,,3a004tcp,e0004een 0000 am0 n actee roifa lt hhea sl abnedesnc caopminpgl ewteitdh. in the following phases of the District after the RLeapnrdessceanptes Rthepe leascteimmeantet d cost of replacing landscaping within the common areas of the District. Lake Maintenance aTnhde vDeisgtertiactti wonil cl oconntrtoral.c t for the care and maintenance of its lakes which includes shoreline grass, brush Streetlights Rpleapcree tshernotus gthhoeu cto tshte t foi smcaali nyetaairn. street lights within the District Boundaries that are expected to be in Electric Page 5 Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District General Fund Budget Represents estimated electric charges of common areas throughout the District. Water & Sewer RDeisptrreicste. n ts estimated costs for water and refuse services provided for common areas throughout the Irrigation Repairs iRreripgraetsioennt ws tehlles .c ost of maintaining and repairing the irrigation system. This includes the sprinklers, and Sidewalk & Asphalt Maintenance BRoepurnedsaernyt.s the estimated costs of maintaining the sidewalks and asphalt throughout the District’s c GRaeennp erinreacslle uRndteesp apeisrrtesism &sua Mtreead iwn ctaoessnhtaisnn fgco,er a gnedn reerpaal irresp taoi rfes nacneds ,m maoinnutemneanntcse, loifg hthtien Dg iasntrdi cott’sh ecro masmseotns. areas. These Holiday Decorations T he District will incur costs related to the decoration of common areas during the Holidays. Contingency nRoetp friet sienntots a fnuyn fdise ladl lcoactaetgeodr yto. expenses that the District could incur throughout the fiscal year that do Other Expenditures: Capital Reserve - Transfer tFhurnodusg hcooullet cthteed D aisntdr icrte.s erved for the replacement of and/or purchase of new capital improvements Page 6 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 3/T3h1r/u24 6 MNeoxntths 9/TT3oh0tra/ul2 4 PFBrYou2pd0og2see5td ICARnasetsrveerersynes Fsmutoeersnwtasrd Sur plus $$$ 13 48 02 ,, 27 -6609 $$$ 13 38 186,,,251169195 $$$ 16 ,, 05 -0009 $$$ 13 381282,,,571179095 $$$ 13 68 22 ,, 79 -4669 Total Revenues $ 523,029 $ 525,975 $ 7,509 $ 533,484 $ 545,715 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerriceepssatt l - - - 1 662///111555 $$$ 11 458000,,,220670080 $$$ 1 4 0 , 2 --60 $$$ 1 58 00 ,, 20 -7080 $$$ 11 458000,,,220670080 $$$ 11 448885,,,440220880 Total Expenditures $ 370,538 $ 140,260 $ 230,278 $ 370,538 $ 381,856 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 152,491 $ 385,715 $ (222,769) $ 162,946 $ 163,858 Interest Expense 12/15/25 $ 146,463 Total $ 146,463 Product Assessable Units Maximum Annual Debt Service Net Assessment Per Unit Gross Assessment Per Unit SSSiiinnngggllleee FFFaaammmiiilllyyy 456000 1240089367 $$$$ 123 168 0229,,,,934745665599 $$11$,,028234378 $$11$,,813913157 Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District Proposed Budget Debt Service Fund - Series 2023 Page 7 Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District Series 2023 Special Assessment Bonds AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 12/15/23 5,665,000.00 $ - $ 140,259.58 $ 140,259.58 $ 06/15/24 5,665,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 150,278.13 $ - $ 12/15/24 5,585,000.00 $ - $ 148,428.13 $ 378,706.25 $ 06/15/25 5,585,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 148,428.13 $ - $ 12/15/25 5,500,000.00 $ - $ 146,462.50 $ 379,890.63 $ 06/15/26 5,500,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 146,462.50 $ - $ 12/15/26 5,410,000.00 $ - $ 144,381.25 $ 380,843.75 $ 06/15/27 5,410,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 144,381.25 $ - $ 12/15/27 5,315,000.00 $ - $ 142,184.38 $ 381,565.63 $ 06/15/28 5,315,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 142,184.38 $ - $ 12/15/28 5,215,000.00 $ - $ 139,871.88 $ 382,056.25 $ 06/15/29 5,215,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 139,871.88 $ - $ 12/15/29 5,110,000.00 $ - $ 137,443.75 $ 382,315.63 $ 06/15/30 5,110,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 137,443.75 $ - $ 12/15/30 5,000,000.00 $ - $ 134,900.00 $ 382,343.75 $ 06/15/31 5,000,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 134,900.00 $ - $ 12/15/31 4,885,000.00 $ - $ 131,881.25 $ 381,781.25 $ 06/15/32 4,885,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 131,881.25 $ - $ 12/15/32 4,765,000.00 $ - $ 128,731.25 $ 380,612.50 $ 06/15/33 4,765,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 128,731.25 $ - $ 12/15/33 4,640,000.00 $ - $ 125,450.00 $ 379,181.25 $ 06/15/34 4,640,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 125,450.00 $ - $ 12/15/34 4,765,000.00 $ - $ 121,906.25 $ 382,356.25 $ 06/15/35 4,640,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 121,906.25 $ - $ 12/15/35 4,640,000.00 $ - $ 118,231.25 $ 380,137.50 $ 06/15/36 4,505,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 118,231.25 $ - $ 12/15/36 4,505,000.00 $ - $ 114,293.75 $ 382,525.00 $ 06/15/37 4,365,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 114,293.75 $ - $ 12/15/37 4,365,000.00 $ - $ 110,225.00 $ 379,518.75 $ 06/15/38 4,215,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 110,225.00 $ - $ 12/15/38 4,215,000.00 $ - $ 105,893.75 $ 381,118.75 $ 06/15/39 4,060,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 105,893.75 $ - $ 12/15/39 4,060,000.00 $ - $ 101,300.00 $ 382,193.75 $ 06/15/40 3,895,000.00 $ 185,000.00 $ 101,300.00 $ - $ 12/15/40 3,895,000.00 $ - $ 96,443.75 $ 382,743.75 $ 06/15/41 3,720,000.00 $ 195,000.00 $ 96,443.75 $ - $ 12/15/41 3,720,000.00 $ - $ 91,325.00 $ 382,768.75 $ 06/15/42 2,920,000.00 $ 205,000.00 $ 91,325.00 $ - $ 12/15/42 2,920,000.00 $ - $ 85,943.75 $ 382,268.75 $ 06/15/43 2,920,000.00 $ 215,000.00 $ 85,943.75 $ - $ 12/15/43 2,920,000.00 $ - $ 80,300.00 $ 381,243.75 $ 06/15/44 2,920,000.00 $ 225,000.00 $ 80,300.00 $ - $ 12/15/44 2,695,000.00 $ - $ 74,112.50 $ 379,412.50 $ 06/15/45 2,695,000.00 $ 240,000.00 $ 74,112.50 $ - $ 12/15/45 2,455,000.00 $ - $ 67,512.50 $ 381,625.00 $ 06/15/46 2,455,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 67,512.50 $ - $ 12/15/46 2,205,000.00 $ - $ 60,637.50 $ 378,150.00 $ 06/15/47 2,205,000.00 $ 265,000.00 $ 60,637.50 $ - $ Page 8 Ranches at Lake McLeod Community Development District Series 2023 Special Assessment Bonds AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 12/15/47 1,940,000.00 $ - $ 53,350.00 $ 378,987.50 $ 06/15/48 1,940,000.00 $ 280,000.00 $ 53,350.00 $ - $ 12/15/48 1,660,000.00 $ - $ 45,650.00 $ 379,000.00 $ 06/15/49 1,660,000.00 $ 295,000.00 $ 45,650.00 $ - $ 12/15/49 1,365,000.00 $ - $ 37,537.50 $ 378,187.50 $ 06/15/50 1,365,000.00 $ 315,000.00 $ 37,537.50 $ - $ 12/15/50 1,050,000.00 $ - $ 28,875.00 $ 381,412.50 $ 06/15/51 1,050,000.00 $ 330,000.00 $ 28,875.00 $ - $ 12/15/51 720,000.00 $ - $ 19,800.00 $ 378,675.00 $ 06/15/52 720,000.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 19,800.00 $ - $ 12/15/52 370,000.00 $ - $ 10,175.00 $ 379,975.00 $ 06/15/53 370,000.00 $ 370,000.00 $ 10,175.00 $ 380,175.00 $ 5,665,000 $ 5,897,031 $ 11,562,031 $ Page 9